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Monday, December 14, 2009

You can't fight the moment of truth, so deal with it

You walked in to my life,
But just like that,
You walked back out,
Still you will be a memory,

A memory that I have created in my mind,
Still you will be a memory,
A memory that will always be locked,
Away in my heart and my mind,
I will always have a memory of you in my heart,

And I will always carry that picture of you in my mind,
Still you will be a memory,


A memory box i will alwys carry with me.
Wonder why memories are so important?
Cz they are the parts of who u are.
The part where u came from,
Parts, where u alwys will rmb
for eternity.

well, mayb not.
MAYb u will suffer a long-term memory short (:
MaybS and Ifs.
Broken Hearted Girl

ps: i feel lyk writing today! HAHAS!

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