*Sigh in contentment* KST , our one and only assignment given during holidays is DONE :)
Cendy came and picked me up from my house, went to her house and chilled .
She was addicted to HotelCity , ignoring my presence. So, i used her phone to phone a few people , SHHH . We met
Jia and Kok at the station .

Can you see Kok's toe is bleeding?
I was fasinated, 'cause it was the first time seeing his TOE!
Infected toe?

AAaa, the path to the LIBRARY .

We got off at Masjid Jamek station ,we were lost, ALMOST.
We went into this unknown building , one of the man asked us to wear TUDUNGS in order to get in. Ohkay, WTHECK? We said no and got out. PHEW! Haoyi started saying some craps about us in the pictures with tudungs. HAHAHAHAHAHA! :D
Thnk God , the security guard at the station gav us correct directions :)
It was further than i thought. WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK. Cendy and her oh-so-smart-Geogrphy-brain started telling us which is Sungai Klang. But it turns out to be Sungai Gombak!
The security guards there were nice , she showed us where to get our informations .

After getting our informations, we got out.
We saw THEM! Fyi, the bridegroom is shorter than the bride ! AAAHH, they were taking pictures in front of this historical building? We wanted to walked up to them and asked them to take a picture with us.
We chickened out :)
We went BurgerKing for lunch ! Im sorry BurgerKing, but you're not delicious at all! Jia, Kok and I ordered some fries, drinks and burgers. Cendy ordered herself a pie and nuggets.
The nuggets are SALTY! they do not hav COKE, they gav us F&N drinks. it shucks :((
Cendy started with her Food theory tht got Haoyi laughing like shit , until he slipped off his chair. LMAOOO! Haoyi said something about him and wanjia drinking crazily at MCD . OHHKAYY! that got me laughing like shit ! i kept picturing them drinking crazily!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! i still cant get over it until today ! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! the people were looking at us like we just got out of Tanjung Rambutans!
I dropped on the ground outside of BurgerKing while holding on to Wanjia's leg. LOL!
My tummy ached like shit, and haoyi and cendy were laughing there.

It was a day :) Thnks Cendy for fetching me !
rawr! im hungry, off i go :)
WOW, this is the longest post i've ever had since .. i hav no idea !