magic really bring happiness?
magic break cultural and language barriers?
magic change the world ?
Through Cyril’s seemingly impossible feats the audience gains hope that nothing in life is impossible, because Cyril accomplishes the impossible everyday.
"Whatever you can imagine, can be made
watch it, watch it! watch it
i just watched it yesterday at my aunt's hse!
it's almost magical :)
sorry lahh, if you already knew ,
as you see, saya sudah ketinggalan zaman x)
&& my CNY hasn't been bad, it's going fine ((((:
angpows lesser every year!
C'MON, im not MARRIED,
im just GROWING, not OLD yet! gees, :(
did i mention i finally know how to friggin CYCLE!
it was a meaningful stay at my hometown !
Awesome FOOD, Awesome MONEY, Awesome GAMBLING :D
Ohmygosh, my cousin babies are so cute :))
Ohmygosh, my cousins, little boys and girls are sooo Gamble-ish ;D
LMAO, i owe them 30cent.. !
im so not looking forward to school,
getting up early, URGH,
hate it the most.
CHAO, homework time . SNIFF