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Saturday, June 27, 2009


Writing whatever tht pops up in my mind
right now
is actually harder than i thought..
I lied. I lied to myself.
A lot of time.
yet im not happy
with the lies i made up..
i Should be happy right?
Because i made up lies to lie to myself.
Yet im not.
And actually, deep down
i care a

I lost the old me
I am not what i am now
It's jus a big fat lie
Which i despise it a lot.
I became the person which i no longer

Daddy, where are you?
I recalled the sweet , decent memories
of me holding daddy's hand
walking to the amusement park
His hand was all big n sweaty
But somehow
i felt the warm & safe
within his hand
I would hav cotton caddy in my another hand
I would skip n walk with

I wonder wher did all the sweet
decent memories go
To the well?
Where nobody could reach it?

Where's my old-self again?
I'm wearing a mask ,
disguises to cover what i am
Im afraid tht i would
forgot to put it on
the another day
I wore it jus so i could feel fit in.

Love u to the last
Lots of Love,
I dunno who i am right now.

Kris Allen oOo To make you feel my love

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