HELLO PEOPLE! First of all, it’s not JoYee here today updating this blog. (Not that she would anyway, this blog is dead! *cough*)
It’s Hao Yi her, JoYee’s....hyperbuddybestfriendlerbuddyjokerbuddy If you do not know who I am, CLICK.
Because JoYee does not want this blog to be dead, she has given me her password to update this blog! I am not a hacker okay? You want proof?
It ish currently staff development at our school now! So we have no school today! Yay, isn’t that awesome!
Errmm, I have no idea what to write, even though JoYee is now currently solving the jigsaw puzzle herself on MSN and I’m suppose to be helping her....o.o
Oh nevermind! She just gave up. xD
So how are you Joyee?? I’m fine.
Oh did I mention that my church is having it’s carnival tmr?
You guys MUST attend! It’s for our new building. Click here for more info! LOL.
Yes I’m sorry I sound like an advertiser, but I don’t know what to write!!
Since she asked me to post some “beautiful” pictures, I am now gonna give you guys a sneak peak of my CF camp post! (which God knows when I’m gonna publish it)
It was held at PD and the nature there was really nice! So enjoy! You guys should be lucky to see this pictures first okay!
Okay, just two! If you want to see the rest you can click on the link up there to go to my blog! :D
I guess this short post is enough? Or maybe it’s long, considering all of Joyee’s post are short! Enjoy your LONG weekend. Peace. (:
Oh and JoYee, I have to charge for this post. xDD